Indexed Journals Search Engine (jindex ver. 7.0)

محرك بحث الدوريات المفهرسة
Search all indexes by one click

About jindex

jindex ver. 7.0 is a FREE one-click search engine application developed by Prof. Salah I. Yahya and coded by Mr. Alan Nahro.
jindex application can search the databases of:
1. Clarivate Analytics, all WoS core and additional collections,
2. Scopus,
3. Scimago, and
4. DOAJ,
which are already available, individually, online to the public for free.

1. jindex is a free application for educational purposes.
2. You may create an account (optional) to use our services.
3. The account needs your institutional email, only.
4. We don’t collect personal data.
5. We don’t collect usage data.
6. We don’t use Cookies.

The information about the WoS IF is limited to Iraqi universities' academics, where registration and creating an account is compulsory to get the IF.
The mobile application is available for download to all users and it works on Android–based smartphone and tablets.

License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) []

From your smartphone, download this mobile application and install it.